better care at home
Our service is rated ‘Good’ by CQC in all five measures – safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led – which we now provide families with peace of mind that their loved one or family member is receiving the highest standards of care at a time they need it most.
You may feel a deep sense of loss as the person you know and love may not seem to be the same. And sometimes, these changes can affect your feelings towards them. Keep reminding yourself, and others, that any changes are the result of the stroke and that they have no control over them, at LAMServices we believe with the best care people living with a stroke care can lead a happy and healthy life.
Understanding it all, what is
Common symptoms of a stroke include your face dropping on 1 side, not being able to lift your arms and slurred speech.
A stroke needs to be treated in the hospital as soon as possible. Treatments include medicines to treat blood clots and sometimes brain surgery.
A stroke can be caused by either a blood clot in the brain or bleeding in the brain.